I hate reviews, let me just say that. I can't write them either because, well, I don't want to sound like a pretentious douche bag. So let's get to it.
Night Watch turned out to be almost as good as I was hoping it would be. And if I ever can locate a copy of it in town, I'll probably buy it, though I might just order all 3 books (Night Watch, Day Watch, Twilight Watch) from amazon and be done with it. My only complaint with the movie was the dubbing being off a couple of times. So if you can find a version with Russian language track and English subtitles, go for that. Or just torrent a subbed one. Otherwise, I really enjoyed it.
Perfect Creature looked promising, but then I watched it. Watched the whole thing. Wish I hadn't. I don't know quite what I was expecting from the movie, since it had vampires protecting society. I think I was hoping for another Equilibrium, but it wasn't. It was crap. Please avoid this movie. I could go on as to why you should, but I'm not going to. Just save yourself that slice of time and do something worthwhile instead. Maybe grow a cactus. Something like that.
Children of Men was very good. Really wish I had seen this movie in the theater. Watching it at home was great too, I wasn't missing out on anything by not seeing it in the theater. Sometimes things just deserve to be bigger, and this is a big movie in scope. I actually had decent thoughts about my fellow humanity after watching this movie. Until I went to class the next day and was forced to deal with putzes. Oh well, good will lasted for eight hours or so, what more can you hope for.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago