Sunday, August 19, 2007

Movie Review 01

I hate reviews, let me just say that. I can't write them either because, well, I don't want to sound like a pretentious douche bag. So let's get to it.

Night Watch turned out to be almost as good as I was hoping it would be. And if I ever can locate a copy of it in town, I'll probably buy it, though I might just order all 3 books (Night Watch, Day Watch, Twilight Watch) from amazon and be done with it. My only complaint with the movie was the dubbing being off a couple of times. So if you can find a version with Russian language track and English subtitles, go for that. Or just torrent a subbed one. Otherwise, I really enjoyed it.

Perfect Creature looked promising, but then I watched it. Watched the whole thing. Wish I hadn't. I don't know quite what I was expecting from the movie, since it had vampires protecting society. I think I was hoping for another Equilibrium, but it wasn't. It was crap. Please avoid this movie. I could go on as to why you should, but I'm not going to. Just save yourself that slice of time and do something worthwhile instead. Maybe grow a cactus. Something like that.

Children of Men was very good. Really wish I had seen this movie in the theater. Watching it at home was great too, I wasn't missing out on anything by not seeing it in the theater. Sometimes things just deserve to be bigger, and this is a big movie in scope. I actually had decent thoughts about my fellow humanity after watching this movie. Until I went to class the next day and was forced to deal with putzes. Oh well, good will lasted for eight hours or so, what more can you hope for.

Arrested Development: Season 2

Well, the three discs that comprise Arrested Development: Season 2 arrived yesterday. I held off watching them until today, where I did them all in one sitting...

As outlandish as the characters are, they are also some of the most human that I've seen on tv in a long time. Of course, most of my favorite shows have a sci-fi/action bent to them, so I can't voice much on "human" characters.

There's just one more season to watch and it's only two discs long. So I'm kinda bummed about that, but am still really looking forward to completing the series. Which I suspect I'll do in another sitting.

Yeah, I need help.

Then my netflix queue goes back to anime. Might need to rethink that. Spend some more time exploring tv shows that I meant to watch but never got around to.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Netflix movies!

There are three movies on their way to my mailbox for this Tuesday: Children of Men, Night Watch, and Perfect Creature. Needless to say I'm looking forward to watching them all.

Really wanted to see Children of Men when it hit the theater, but I never made it. I've heard great things about Night Watch from my friends who bit torrented it prior to the US theatrical release. The trailers for Night Watch, Perfect Creature, and the upcoming Day Watch, sold me on at least wanting to watch the movies.

Here's what I know so far about the movies:
  • Children of Men, somehow nobody can have children anymore. Interesting.
  • Night Watch, the struggle between Good and Evil in Russia. More interesting.
  • Perfect Creature, vampires are humanity's protectors, then one goes rogue and munches on flu victims. I was mostly sold by the visuals and vampires. I loves me some vampires.
If I like Night Watch, I'll probably end up buying the three books: Night Watch, Day Watch, Twilight Watch. I've heard good things about them all. We'll see if the screen adaptation of the novel is compelling enough to sell me the book.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Arrested Development

Season1: Discs 2 and 3 arrived yesterday from netflix. I put them in while eating dinner. Next thing I know it's 2am and I've finished them both.

Really wish I had watched the show when it was on tv. Those half-hour episodes were pure gold.

Ok.... I've just rewritten my thoughts on the show four times and each one had more cheese than the previous. So I'll keep it simple.

The writing is great. The acting is great. The premise is great. The stories are amazing. Again, I really wish I had watched this when it was aired. I could have used the laughs then.

People should to themselves the favor and rent at least the first disc of season one. Go home and watch it, I think you'll agree that it is a show worth watching. And since the entire show only lasted about three seasons, if you do get hooked on it, it should be a quick watch.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mmmm coffee

Shafts of morning sunlight strike his tired face. Hiding under blankets only make things worse due to the stifling heat. The creature must awaken for the gods have determined that there is much to do.

RAWR! Zombie Matt staggers forth ready to claim his destiny.

A hot cup of coffee.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Sitting in class, wanting to go home

Here I am, it's 9:05pm, just came back from a dinner break, and we're delving back into code.

It's officially mid-term in this scripting class. In 11 weeks we're going to cover javascript and php programming. Being the mid-term, we've "finished" with javascript. For what that's worth.

Onto PHP!

Variables. I bet we're going to be given homework over this too. Some glorified Hello World script due before the next class. Sometimes I wonder why I opted to take this class...

I still haven't figured that one out yet.

And she just mentioned the Hello World script, then handed out the final project and take home mid-term. Joy.