Well, the three discs that comprise Arrested Development: Season 2 arrived yesterday. I held off watching them until today, where I did them all in one sitting...
As outlandish as the characters are, they are also some of the most human that I've seen on tv in a long time. Of course, most of my favorite shows have a sci-fi/action bent to them, so I can't voice much on "human" characters.
There's just one more season to watch and it's only two discs long. So I'm kinda bummed about that, but am still really looking forward to completing the series. Which I suspect I'll do in another sitting.
Yeah, I need help.
Then my netflix queue goes back to anime. Might need to rethink that. Spend some more time exploring tv shows that I meant to watch but never got around to.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago
Well, on your recommendation, I Netflixed "Arrested Development." It's kind of weird. I don't remember laughing at anything throughout, but I think I went through the entire thing with a low grade amusement and a slight grin. Kind of an odd experience. They're strangely addictive. I started season one Friday night. I just finished season two about 10 minutes ago, and am eagerly awaiting season three's arrival in my mailbox.
And then, yeah, it's back to anime for me, too. I just don't know if I have the heart for Ghost in the Shell: SAC after this.
Gaaaah! Where is Galactica season 3 already?!
Ghost in the Shell: SAC is great. I don't want to sound like a fanboy or anything, but that type of show is what I tend to go for these days.
Being able to see characters evolve over multiple episodes instead of during the course of a movie makes for better watching, in my opinion. SAC provides that.
I have Azumanga Daioh to watch next. We'll see if I return in after the first episode like I did for Soul Hunter.
Oh, give Azumanga Daioh a chance! Yes, it's written for 14 year old Japanese girls. But it's still funny as all heck.
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