I don't even remember when I posted last, think before I moved up here to KY. Needless to say things have changed for me.
Was unemployed for a while, then I picked up a manager's position for a retail store. Now, that too is ending, but only because I've found a different job.
Better hours, better pay, benefits, more time with my baby. All of these are good things.
Just feeling weird. The dreaded two weeks notice went well enough, I suppose. Now I just feel out of place. Trying to motivate yourself to go through the motions at work, when you know you're leaving soon, is hard hard work. The knowledge that I still have people to tell weighs on me.
Have been spending way too much time playing various facebook games: Farmville, Cafe World, Country Life. Sheesh...
Did download the Torchlight demo, and it's a lot of fun. :D I'd recommend it to people that enjoyed the point and click slash/caster fest that was Diablo. Good times.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago