Dragons don't scare me anymore. At least not the old ones that I'm seeing again. These figures used to be titanic gods that trembled the very ground that they proudly walked upon. Their utterances were received as blessings from on high. A glance would smite the undeserving.
Get the gist?
Not anymore. Now they are just embittered old fools. Rehashing outdated concepts and applying a new veneer to old crap. Cackling to the old used jokes.
Perhaps I've become disillusioned to the process. Perhaps these dragons should still be worshiped. Perhaps I should stop complaining and accept my fate linked to these beasts.
Beasts of burden now. Old dragons lose their teeth.
I should weep for them. But I don't care anymore. Just give me a fucking A.
*Crawls Into a Hole to Hide*
14 years ago